SSH server & client cookbook for Chef

Manages SSH server and client configurations.


I'd strongly recommend to change the default port from 22 and configure allow_groups or allow_users options. When keep_alive is turned off, timeout option does nothing. Other options are sane defaults.

default['ssh'] = {
  'keep_alive' => true,
  'timeout'    => 30,

  'client' => {
    'compression'    => true,
    'forward_agent'  => true,
    'authentication' => ['publickey', 'password']
  'server' => {
    'listen'                    => '',
    'port'                      => 22,
    'enable_sftp'               => true,
    'accept_env'                => ['LANG', 'LC_*'],
    'allow_groups'              => [],
    'deny_groups'               => [],
    'allow_users'               => [],
    'deny_users'                => [],
    'root_login'                => false,
    'password_authentication'   => true,
    'public_key_authentication' => true