
Thanks to Ergast https://ergast.com/mrd/db/ for providing the data

This repo is to help set up a sample database to learn to run queries against.

Installing requirements:

Please run $ ./install.sh to install the requirements, including docker and psql. This script should work for you if you're on OSX.

It also will run a docker container that has postgres running, installs a database installed with data in it. Finally, it starts a psql session, so that you may begin querying the databse. Try select * from races limit 5;!

Continuing to run

To get a new psql session going, try $ psql -h localhost -U postgres -d f1db

If you have another postgres database running, please stop it or run this container on abother port.

To stop the database container, do $ docker stop f1db-container. A full list of docker CLI commands can be found at docs.docker.com

PostgresQL help can be found in their excellent online manual


Answer the following with the output of a single query:

  • How many races are listed in the database?

  • How many circuits are in the UK?

  • How many races have been held in circuits in the UK?

  • How many races have been held in circuits in the UK before Jan 1 2015?

  • What was the date of the first race in the database?

  • How many different 'logical races' are in the database (e.g. Dutch Grand Prix, Monaco Grand Prix, etc)

  • What was the latest date of every race (i.e. the latest of each Grand Prix?)

  • What was the latest date of every race (i.e. the latest of each Grand Prix?) sorted by time since last run?

  • What is the lastest completed result in the databse?