
A lightweight, easy-to-install fork of Redmine 1.0.3-stable

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a lightweight, easy-to-install fork of Redmine 1.0.3-stable, a project management and issue-tracking tool.


Redmine-lite has smart conventions that help you set up your instance quickly and painlessly. Redmine-lite assumes you want to use:

- Redmine 1.0.3-stable on MRI Ruby 1.8.6
- a single application instance
- thin, the fast, lightweight ruby server
- a sqlite database
- a free Gmail SMTP server for email notifications

This is targeted mainly at users who are working on smaller projects and need to get issue-tracking set up QUICKLY. It’s also useful for users with constraints within their organizations, such as

- no root server access
- company policies that don't allow externally-hosted issue trackers
- inability to set up email hosting infrastructure


- A unix-like operating system
- git:  http://git-scm.com/
- bundler:  http://gembundler.com/
- rvm:  http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/
- sqlite:  http://www.sqlite.org/
- An active Gmail account for outgoing mail, if you want email notifications: 

redmine-lite ships with necessary rvm and bundler configuration files.


Clone the repo

$ git clone git@github.com:mleone/redmine-lite.git

$ cd redmine-lite

Install ruby and depdendencies through rvm and bundler

$ rvm install ruby-1.8.6

$ bundle install

Set up the sqlite database and gmail configuration

$ RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:setup_database (answer all prompts that come up)


$ thin start -e production -d

Your redmine install is now running in the background in production mode on port 3000.

So stop it, run $ thin stop


If you entered Gmail credentials during install, they’ll be stored in plain text in the local file config/gmail.conf, which is ignored by git.