
Bootstrap an API with nodejs ⏰ 🚀

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A sample to bootstrap your api with nodejs

Written in typescript, uses express, jest, prettier, eslint...

Try it

You can directly create a repository on Github with this template. Go on this repo and click on the Use this template button

Or by cloning this project:

git clone https://github.com/mleralec/bootstrap-api.git
cd bootstrap-api
cp .env.example .env
yarn dev

Available scripts

  • dev: to launch src/server.ts in development mode
  • watch: to run dev command with watch files
  • build: to create a build in dist/ folder
  • prod: to launch dist/server.js file in production mode
  • test: to test with jest
  • lint: to lint with eslint

Git hooks (with husky)

A pre-push hook is called when you use git push command. You can disable it inside package.json file