
Docker-based APCUPSd daemon that sends UPS-device information to InfluxDB.

Primary LanguagePython


Build an x86_64 or ARM compatible Docker image that will output commonly used UPS device statistics to an influxdb database using an included version of the APCUPSd tool. Dockerfiles included for both intel and ARM (RaspberryPi or comparable) chipsets.

How to build

Building the image is straight forward:

  • Git clone this repo
  • docker build -t apcupsd-influxdb-exporter .

Environment Variables

These are all the available environment variables, along with some example values, and a description.

Environment Varialbe Example Value Description
WATTS 1500 if your ups doesn't have NOMPOWER, set this to be the rated max power, if you do have NOMPOWER, don't set this variable
APCUPSD_HOST host running apcupsd
INFLUXDB_HOST host running influxdb
HOSTNAME unraid host you want to show up in influxdb, optional defaults to apcupsd-influxdb-exporter
INFLUXDB_DATABASE apcupsd db name for influxdb. optional, defaults to apcupsd
INFLUXDB_USER myuser optional, defaults to empty
INFLUXDB_PASSWORD pass optional, defaults to empty
INFLUXDB_PORT 8086 optional, defaults to 8086
INTERVAL 5 optional, defaults to 5 seconds
VERBOSE true if anything but true docker logging will show no output

How to Use

Run docker container directly

docker run --rm  -d --name="apcupsd-influxdb-exporter" \
    -e "WATTS=600" \
    -e "HOSTNAME=unraid" \
    -e "INFLUXDB_HOST=" \
    -e "APCUPSD_HOST=" \
    -t atribe/apcupsd-influxdb-exporter

Note: if your UPS does not include the NOMPOWER metric, you will need to include the WATTS environment variable in order to compute the live-power consumption metric.

Run from docker-compose

version: '3'
    image: atribe/apcupsd-influxdb-exporter
    container_name: apcupsd-influxdb-exporter
    restart: always
      WATTS: 1500
      HOSTNAME: unraid
      INTERVAL: 5

If you want to debug the apcaccess output or the send to influxdb, set the environment variable "VERBOSE" to "true"