
AWS Status monitoring bot

Primary LanguageGo

☁️ AWStatus Telegram bot

For now, bot are living at t.me/awstatus_bot

AWS have a great status monitoring page - https://status.aws.amazon.com but it huge and can't notify about services issues, so appeared idea to write notification bot

This bot consists of 4 parts:

  1. RSS list generator
  2. RSS parser
  3. Telegram dashboard
  4. Telegram notifier

RSS list generator

This tool deployed as a Google Functions and parses every day status.aws.amazon.com for new services or regions and add them to Cloud Firestore

RSS parser

This tool deployed as a Google Functions and parses every minute collections, which RSS list generator generated

Telegram dashboard

Simpliest Telegram bot, which can only receive command /start and put new user to database

Telegram notifier

This tool deployed as a Google Functions and triggered with Cloud Firestore on creating new items in collections, which RSS parser fills Due that Cloud Firestore can trigger any function, here can be any endpoint (Slack, Webhook, etc.)