
I decided to do a one user project, meaning no authentication is required to access /api/artists/. When the user - probably you reading this text :) - requests this endpoint, a few steps described below happen until he gets redirected to the first endpoint where the artists will be displayed. These steps retrieve the access token.

drawing explaining the Authorization code flow in use in my implementation1

Meanwhile, a cron job (django-crontab package), regularly fetches artists if an access token is valid in base.

drawing explaining the Authorization code flow in use in my implementation

Running the project

(use "setx CLIENT_ID=<..>" on windows)

export CLIENT_ID=<your_client_ID>
export CLIENT_SECRET=<your_client_secret>


docker-compose up

Hit http://localhost:5000/api/artists/ with your browser and you should see the artists from new releases (not all at first, the cron task execute every minute)


The production settings file (spotify_fetcher/settings/ basically set DEBUG to False and seek for a SECRET_KEY env variable to replace the default secret key used in development. Maybe you'll want to do:

export SECRET_KEY=<your_secret_key>

Statics files are served at "/static/" and generated with "python collecstatic" (see the Dockerfile).

Django deployement using Gunicorn server.

Docker related: I used a python image on which i installed cron. I used docker-compose to create a postgres container that launch before the django one. I wait a solid 3 sec when the django container starts before executing django in order to be quite certain the postgres db is ready. A better way to do this would be to request at regular interval a postgres container endpoint to check get its state.