Alt text reviews

Do reviews in VSCode comparing branches using its native git source control view.


                ┌───x main_ancestor
                │   │
                │   ▼
branch_commit1  x   x main_newcommit
branch_commit2  x

As in GitHub pull requests, the branch is compared to main before new commits were added to it (main_ancestor). Said differently, all changes from main_ancestor to branch_commit2 are shown (branch_commit1 + branch_commit2 changes).


Two commands are available:

  • compare two branches. You need to provide the branch name you want to compare with main. This command:

    • fetch and update the two branches (if a remote exists)
    • find the branches common ancestor (main_ancestor)
    • reset --soft the branch to the common ancestor
    • switch to the VSCode source control view

    If you want to compare with another branch than main, you can type {branchName}..{anotherBranchThanMain}, ex. fix/typo..develop. The command also stores the branch last commit (branch_commit2) workspace wise so you can come back to it using the reset command.

  • reviews.reset: reset the comparison. Comes back to the branch last commit.

Release Notes


  • Reset branch prior to comparing.
  • Fix a bug where when comparing twice then resetting, the --hard reset was done on main and thus the commits of the branch added to main.


  • Add reviews.reset command.