
A telegram bot monitoring cryptocurrencies

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram Bot using Python Wrapper (python-telegram-bot)

Installation :

  1. Install conda (Anaconda)
  2. Create a conda env from file:
conda env create -f env.yaml
  1. Create a secret.key file at the root with the secret Key of your bot in it
  2. Create a file named "sqlite.db" at the root
  3. Start your bot with:
$ ./bot.sh

** To update the env.yaml, just launch command: $ ./save_env.sh

Conda useful commands

Search package infos:

$ conda search packagename

indicate the version and the build of the package if found.

Install a package in a env:

$ source activate envname
$ conda install packagename[=version][=build]

Bot Commands:

Everyday commands

  • /alea $int : random int between 0 and $int
  • /rdv $place_and_date: if bot is admin (can delete message), delete the poster's message and create its own with $place_and_date and the poster username on it.
  • +1 : after a /rdv command, add the poster's username to the pinned message.
  • /hello: dumb command

Crypto monitoring

  • /setUp $currency $valuelimit : the bot will tell you when the currency rises up the valuelimit

  • /setDown $currency $valuelimit: the bot will tell you when the currency falls down the valuelimit

  • /clearLimits $currency : without argument it clears all the previously set up limits

  • /seeLimits : show you all limits set

  • /setValues $currency $numbertokens : the bot will remember you own numbertokens of currency

  • /seeValues : generate a pie charts of all your holdings.

  • /clearValues $currency : clear the nomber of tokens you set previously with the