
"During my senior high school years, I embarked on exciting coding projects, delving into diverse programming languages, concepts, and creative problem-solving techniques. This document is a treasure trove of the source code that was born during this transformative period."

# 📚 Senior High School Source Code Collection 🖥️

🌟 Introduction

During my senior high school years, I embarked on exciting coding projects, delving into diverse programming languages, concepts, and creative problem-solving techniques. This document is a treasure trove of the source code that was born during this transformative period.

📂 Projects

1. Calculator App (Java)

  • Description: A simple calculator application developed in Java.
  • Features: Basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
  • Learning: Object-oriented programming, user input handling.

2. Personal Website (HTML/CSS)

  • Description: Designed and coded a personal website to showcase achievements and passions.
  • Features: Home, About Me, Projects, Contact sections with responsive design.
  • Learning: HTML structure, CSS styling, responsive web design.

3. ToDo List App (JavaScript)

  • Description: Constructed an interactive to-do list web application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Features: Dynamic task management including adding, removing, and marking tasks as completed.
  • Learning: DOM manipulation, event handling.

4. Online Guidance Information and Reporting System (PHP)

  • Description: Developed an online system to assist students in seeking guidance and reporting issues.
  • Features: Student registration, appointment scheduling, reporting forms.
  • Learning: PHP scripting, MySQL database integration.

5. Barangay Apokon Management System (PHP)

  • Description: Created a management system for a local barangay to handle resident records and services.
  • Features: Resident profiles, service requests, announcements.
  • Learning: Advanced PHP programming, database management.

6. Continuing Professional Development and Training Services Website (PHP)

  • Description: Designed a platform for professionals to access training resources and track their development.
  • Features: Course catalog, user profiles, progress tracking.
  • Learning: PHP web development, user authentication.

🌠 Key Takeaways

  • 🔍 Exploration: Navigated diverse programming languages, each revealing unique challenges and rewards.
  • 🛠️ Practical Experience: Honed the skill to dissect and solve problems, crafting impactful applications.
  • 💡 Software Wisdom: Gained insight into vital software development concepts like version control, debugging, and testing.

🏁 Conclusion

As I gaze upon my assortment of senior high school source code, I'm reminded of the dynamic journey I embarked upon in the realms of programming and software development. These projects stand as a testament to my evolving technical prowess and my ignited passion for sculpting innovative solutions. This phase is the cornerstone of my continued odyssey in the domain of computer engineering.

"Code is a symphony of logic and creativity, and I'm the conductor." - mlgerdev

Compiled by mlgerdev

📅 Document Last Updated: August 15, 2023