
Single purpose python script that sums CSVs inside excel workbook.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This simple, single-purpose Python script sums CSVs (comma separated values) in an excel file and groups them by their relative keys (FOO: 5, BAR: 10, FOOBAR: 12, etc.).

Only files, sheets and columns that meet the following requirements are considered in the sum process:

  • Files with '.xls' or '.xlsx' extension.
  • Files with a title that contain the keyword 'ΤΡΟΦΙΜΑ'.
  • Sheets with a title that contain the keyword 'ΠΑΚΕΤΟ'.
  • Columns D and/or E.


In every sheet, each row contains a cell with food in the following format:

5 bread, 1L olive oil, 2 packs crackers, etc...

The script loops through every row in every relevant sheet and sums the food resulting in the food key with its aggregated value (i.e. BREAD: 72, OLIVE OIL: 32L, CRACKERS: 15 PACKS).

Consider this example sheet as part of a multi-sheet workbook:


This is the result after summing all sheets in the workbook:



  • openpyxl
pip install openpyxl


  • Open a command prompt in the directory containing both the script and the provided excel file.
  • Run the script using the Python interpreter.
  • Typing yes in the first question will sum food in column D (food). Typing no will omit this column.
  • Typing yes in the second question will sum food in column E (extra food). Typing no will omit this column.
