
A git repo for the CMPE118 48 hour bot, 2016

Primary LanguageC


A git repo for the CMPE118 48 hour bot, 2016

Useful links:

Master spreadsheet: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tePIUBtheqclRQGglN6vStWImPxpKhRjvvwsl1w4BMM/edit#gid=0] (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tePIUBtheqclRQGglN6vStWImPxpKhRjvvwsl1w4BMM/edit#gid=0) The master spreadsheet is used for tracking progress and keeping track of materials.

Slack: https://48hourbot.slack.com/ The Slack channels are where the team communicates.

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gsvzmwi1cqinunh/AAA0eUXKzCH7Ncr-pl5ufB85a?dl=0 The Dropbox is for all non-code files associated with the bot (design files, artwork, whatever). Request an invite from MaxL or anyone else who has access.