
code for 2013 IEEE robot

Primary LanguagePython

Hello Team Robot member! Welcome to the repsoitory.
IF you are a contributor, please keep all your changes in your own branch unti one of the daily merge parties. Woo!

What follows is a brief primer of the structure of the code.


    is the directory that contains code that will be run on the
    robot.  All other stuff (like this readme) should go below
    "Upper Deck" is the panda board.  The dir contains mostly python
    files, but also has a Makefile which will sychronize
    settings.h with settings.py
    "Lower Deck" is the arduino.  the dir has an .ino file and
    settings.h.  Unfortunately, because arduino IDE sucks, this
    is all we get, and everything has to go into one of those.

Upper Deck Files: main.py is the one you want to look at first. It's the main loop. there's only one line that contains the action of the robot: robotMode = robotMode.act(state) it does the action associated with the current mode, then switches the mode to the next mode. modes.py contains all the action of the robot. It consists of lots of modes which inheirit Mode's attributes (such as the serial connection). Each mode has an act(state) method which contains what the robot does in that mode. Each act() method ends with the return of a different mode. Look at it and see. robotbasics.py Contains the definitions of handy robot classes, mostly the definition of Pose, State, and Landmark. If you think there's something else other people will want to call a lot, put it here. world.py definitions of the physical attributes of the robot + playing field messenger.py handles messenges to and from arduino