
Fetches configured versions of references from a repository path

Primary LanguageC#

Fetches reference binaries from a repository structured something like this:


requires the configuration file: references.xml to be in the same folder as FetchReferences.exe.

Example references.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<references repositoryPath="\\ReferencesServer\Repository" localPath="external-libs">
  <reference name="SomeLibrary" version="1.1" />
  <reference name="AnotherLibrary" version="0.9" />

Running with this configuration file will create this structure


The contents of SomeLibrary will be the contents of \\ReferencesServer\Repository\SomeLibrary\1.1
The contents of AnotherLibrary will be the contents of \\ReferencesServer\Repository\AnotherLibrary\0.9