
Parses a contact/email signature and extracts individual parts (or tries).

Primary LanguageRuby

Parses a blob of contact text:

require 'contact_parser'

ContactParser.parse("Joe Schmoe
123 fake street
Fake City, AZ, 12345
Some company, inc.


[~/contact_parser]# irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'contact_parser'
=> true
irb(main):003:0* ContactParser.parse("Joe Schmoe
irb(main):004:1" 123 fake street
irb(main):005:1" Fake City, AZ, 12345
irb(main):006:1" Some company, inc.
irb(main):007:1" 480-555-0012
irb(main):008:1" joe@google.com")
=> {:email=>"joe@google.com", :phone=>"+1 4805550012", :company=>"Some Company, Inc.", :number=>"123", :first=>"Joe", :last=>"Schmoe", :street=>"Fake Street"}