OSLiC (filename or packagename is oslic) be metonymic with [Telekom] (O)pen (S)ource (Li)cense (C)ompendium. The Open Source License Compendium shall reliably specify how to to use Open Source Software in a regular manner. Particularly it shall ... (a) support Open Source users to act according to the Open Source License requirements without having to become license experts themselves (b) offer strongly reliable and quickly accessible instructions (to-do lists) how to fulfill a touched Open Source license (c)consolidate reliable background knowledge by gathering and verifying information from the net and from libraries The OSLiC is a set of LaTeX files, BibTex files, and Makefiles by which this compendium can be compiled as PDF file. The OSLiC is published under CC BY-SA 3.0 Germany: (c) K. Reincke, Deutsche Telekom AG, Darmstadt 2012,...,2016,..