
A tool to create images of the squared difference of two inputs

Primary LanguagePython


This tool is used to visualize the difference of two input images. To do this, the squared differnce of the luminance of each pixel is amplified by a user-supplied factor (the default is 1). The output shows positive and negative differences as a heatmap.


This is a sample input

$ diff.py -i render.png -g groundtruth.png -x 4

In this case the generated output is called "render_diff.png". It will show the squared difference times four.

Usage: diff.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The image of the ground truth.
                        The image of the new method.
  -m FILE_MASK, --mask=FILE_MASK
                        An optional binary mask.
  -x MULTIPLIER, --multiplier=MULTIPLIER
                        Multiply difference by this amount
  -o, --output-mse      Prints  mean square error


If you are running the script on Windows you can look here for additional libraries: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/