
Arduino sensor library for monitoring a cover (blinds or rolling door) using two switches

Primary LanguageC++


This arduino library is designed to monitor 2 switches (Up and Down) for a blind or a rolling door. The library will track the state of the cover by monitoring these two switches.


This library depends on the following libraries:

The example Arduino Sketch also depends on the following libraries:

You must install the dependent libraries before you compile the examples.


MQTT Cover Dual Switch Sensor

This example uses the library to monitor the state of the cover and publish the state changes to an MQTT broker.


The example requires you to fill out the Wifi and MQTT details before it will compile.

  1. Copy examples/MQTTCoverDualSwitchSensor/mywifi.sample.h to mywifi.h
  2. Edit the mywifi.h file to set the Wifi connection details.
  3. Copy examples/MQTTCoverDualSwitchSensor/mymqttbroker.sample.h to mymqttbroker.h
  4. Edit the mymqttbroker.h file to set the MQTT broker details.

After you make the changes to the mywifi.h and mymqttbroker.h you should be able to compile the example.



Running the example

The mosquitto MQTT broker and client tools are included in this repository in the test/MQTT/mosquitto folder. You can use the test/MQTT/brokerlocal.bat to start up a local MQTT broker or just use one that is on on your network.

You can use the test/MQTT/auditlocal.bat to launch the mosquitto_sub.exe to monitor all messages published to the local broker. Use this if you are running the local broker without any username or password.

If you have a broker on your network that is password protected then use the test/MQTT/audit.bat to launch the mosquitto_sub.exe to monitor all messages published to the broker. Before you run the audit.bat you should set the following environment variables:

  • MQTT_IP - set to the IP of the MQTT Broker
  • MQTT_USR - set to the user used to connect to the broker
  • MQTT_PWD - set to the password of the user that will connect to the broker.

Once the broker and the audit are running you can go ahead and download the code to the arduino and let it run.

Closing the up or down switches will change the state of the sensor and it will be published onto MQTT.

More Complete Examples

This repository contains more examples on how to use the cover libraries in a more complete way. Cover Full Examples