
npm version Gzip Size Monthly Downloads License: MIT License: Anti 996


npm install -g webhook-shell
# or
pnpm install -g webhook-shell
# or
cnpm install -g webhook-shell
# or
yarn global add webhook-shell


# help

# add new task
webhook-shell add

# edit a task
webhook-shell edit

# list task list
webhook-shell ls

# start server
webhook-shell start
webhook-shell start --port=3000 # Default port is 8067
webhook-shell start --auto_update=false # Enable automatic updates by default, Automatic updates are executed every morning at 4:44:44 am, If do not want automatic updates, please set `auto_update` to false

# restart server
webhook-shell restart # Inherit the port number used during the previous startup
webhook-shell restart --port=3000 # Custom port restart
webhook-shell restart --auto_update=false # Enable automatic updates by default, Automatic updates are executed every morning at 4:44:44 am, If do not want automatic updates, please set `auto_update` to false

# view server status
webhook-shell status

# stop server
webhook-shell stop

# check update
webhook-shell check

# update
webhook-shell update

Nginx proxy

server {
  location / whs {
    proxy_read_timeout 600s;
    proxy_connect_timeout 600s;
    keepalive_timeout 600s;

Web hooks

# test 1
curl -X POST --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "taskName": "test",
    "otherParams": "fdassaf/fasdfsa"
# test 2
curl -X POST --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "taskName": "test2",
    "otherParams": "fdassaf/fasdfsa"

MIT License and Anti 996 License.

Copyright © 2023 LinQuan.