
The Tango RFC project aims at define the kernel specification.

Tango Request For Comments (RFC)

This repository is the home of all Tango Open Specification.

The process to add or change an RFC is the following:

  • An RFC is created and modified by pull requests according to the Collective Code Construction Contract (C4).
  • The RFC life-cycle SHOULD follow the life-cycle defined in the Consensus-Oriented Specification System (COSS).

Current RFCs

Short Name Title Type Status Editor
RFC-1 The Tango control system Standard Raw Lorenzo Pivetta
RFC-2 The device object model Standard Draft Vincent Hardion
RFC-3 The command model Standard Draft Sergi Blanchi-Torné
RFC-4 The attribute model Standard Draft Sergi Blanchi-Torné
RFC-5 The property model Standard Raw Gwenaelle Abeillé
RFC-6 The database system Standard Raw Gwenaelle Abeillé
RFC-8 The server model Standard Raw Lorenzo Pivetta
RFC-9 The class model Standard Raw
RFC-10 The Request-Reply protocol Standard Raw Reynald Bourtembourg
RFC-11 The Request-Reply protocol - CORBA implementation Standard Raw
RFC-12 The Publisher-Subscriber protocol Standard Raw Vincent Hardion
RFC-13 The Publisher-Subscriber protocol - ZeroMQ implementation Standard Raw
RFC-XX The dynamic attribute and command Standard Raw
RFC-XX Logging service Standard Raw
RFC-XX Cache system Standard Raw
RFC-XX Memorised attribute service Standard Raw
RFC-XX Authorisation system Standard Raw
RFC-XX High Level API Standard Raw
RFC-XX High Level API - Python implementation Standard Raw
RFC-XX High Level API - Java implementation Standard Raw