A Venmo API client library in Golang.
See the Venmo API documentation here at https://developer.venmo.com/docs/oauth.
See README for usage or GoDoc.
Since all Venmo API requests must be authenticated using a user's OAuth token, the basic object is the Account, which holds information for the authenticated user and tokens.
The library assumes you have already obtained a user access token somehow, for example using the OAuth flow. Helpers for completing the OAuth flow might be added in the future.
Obtaining the token is not included in the library but is easy to implement.
account := Account{
AccessToken: "...",
RefreshToken: "...",
err := account.Refresh()
if err != nil {
// Handle error ...
target := Target{}
target.Email = "kbrisson@gmail.com"
// OR target.Phone = "..."
// OR target.User.Id = "..."
sentPayment, err := account.PayOrCharge(target, 5.27, "Thanks for the govenmo library!", "public")
if err != nil {
// Handle error ...
payment := &Payment{}
payment.Id = "1111111111111111111"
err = account.RefreshPayment(payment)
if err != nil {
// Handle error ...
var updatedSince time.Time
payments, err := account.PaymentsSince(updatedSince)
if err != nil {
// Handle error ...
for _, payment := range payments {
// Each payment is an instance of Payment.
log.Println("Found payment:", payment.Note)
updatedPayment, err := account.CompletePayment("paymentID", "approve")
if err != nil {
// Handle error ...
updatedPayment, err := account.CompletePayment("paymentID", "deny")
if err != nil {
// Handle error ...
updatedPayment, err := account.CompletePayment("paymentID", "cancel")
if err != nil {
// Handle error ...
friends, err := account.FetchFriends()
if err != nil {
// Handle error ...
for _, friend := range friends {
// Each friend is an instance of User.
log.Println("Found friend:", friend.DisplayName)
Enable Venmo sandbox mode. Note that the Venmo sandbox doesn't behave exactly like the production API.
govenmo.Environment = "sandbox"
Use local sandbox
// In your client
govenmo.Environment = "local_sandbox"
Set a maximum payment or charge amount. (Why?... because when you first start using the production API you probably don't want a bug in your code to be able to send thousands of dollars.)
max := float64(50)
govenmo.MaxPayment = &max
Enable logging
govenmo.EnableLogging(nil) // you can also pass a Logger
The package local_sandbox mimics the real Venmo sandbox so that you don't have to hit it as much during testing.
Local sandbox returns the sandbox's hardcoded POST /payments responses. It also mimics GET /me and GET /payments/1111111111111111111. Other requests are proxied to the real sandbox and would require a valid token.
Like the real sandbox, it's not a replica of the Venmo production API and the values returned in the responses might not be the same as what you send in your request.
cd local_sandbox
go run main.go
The local sandbox must be running for the (limited) tests.