Implementation of Reverse Classification in Python with SimpleElastix

Primary LanguagePython


Implementation of Reverse Classification Accuracy in Python with SimpleElastix

This code implements Reverse Classification Accuracy (RCA) as applied in our MICCAI 2017 paper:

Robinson, R., Valindria, V.V., Bai, W., Suzuki, H., Matthews, P.M., Page, C., Rueckert, D., Glocker, B.: Automatic Quality Control of Cardiac MRI Segmentation in Large-Scale Population Imaging. In Descoteaux, M., Maier-Hein, L., Franz, A., Jannin, P., Collins, D.L., Duchesne, S., eds.: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2017, Cham, Springer International Publishing (2017) 720–727


RCA predicts the quality of a set of image-segmentations using Reverse Classificaion Accuracy (RCA). The original paper on RCA is:

Valindria, V. V, Lavdas, I., Bai, W., Kamnitsas, K., Aboagye, E. O., Rockall, A. G., … Glocker, B. (2017). Reverse Classification Accuracy: Predicting Segmentation Performance in the Absence of Ground Truth. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 1–1. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMI.2017.2665165


These scripts use SimpleElastix to perform image registration. This must be compiled at the same time as SimpleITK and can casue some issues if the install is not clean. We recommend creating a new virtualenv and following the documentation here: http://simpleelastix.readthedocs.io/GettingStarted.html. We also use nibabel for some loading functions. The requirements.txt is:


To run RCA on an image-segmentation pair, you require a small set of reference images (there are 5 in our demo below, but we use 100 in practice) and corresponding manual segmentations that are representative of the domain of your segmentation-under-test e.g. a set of short-axis cardiac MRI atlases for testing a short-axis cardiac MRI segmentation.

There are three files:

  • RCA.py - the script run to evaluate the predicted quality of a segmentation (see usage below)
  • RCAfunctions.py - helper functions for data input, image registration and evaluation
  • config.cfg - a configuration file containing important variables


The output is two-fold

  • a visual representation on-screen showing the distribution of reference images by DSC along with the overall output of best DSC and surface-distance metrics. The atlas (reference image) that contributed the score is also shown e.g. Atlas: 0
  • a .mat file in output_folder/data which contains the DSC and surface distance metrics per class and for the whole-segmentation case for each reference image. i.e. each reference image gets a n x 5 matrix of metric values where n is the number of classes. The overall prediction is also stored in the .mat.


python ./RCA.py --subject/subjects subjects.txt --refs ./refs --config SOMENAME --GT filename.nii.gz --seg filename.nii.gz --output ./done

  • --subject: a directory containing the image and segmentation to be tested; OR
  • --subjects: a .txt file containing one image-folder path per line;
  • --refs: a directory containing subfolders, one for each reference image-segmentation pair;
  • --config: name of the config file that contains the filenames;
  • --output: a directory (will be created) to contain the output from RCA - will create one subfolder per image in output;
  • --GT: (optional) the filename of the ground truth segmentation if we want to evaluate against the real metrics.


If only a single subject/segmentation is being tested, then only the name of the directory containing the image and segmentation needs to be passed to --subject (note this is singular). For multiple test segmentations, there must be one folder per subject/segmentation containing the image and segmentation to test. A text file containing the path to each of these folders must be passed to --subjects (note the plural)


The subject names e.g. subject1 are used to name the output subfolders that will be stored in output directory. A ground truth segmentation can also be present if evaluating the prediction against the real value.


Like the subjects, the reference images and manual segmentations should each be in their own folders. Their parent folder is what is passed to RCA.py.


The configuration file named config.cfg is passed to the script. This allows distinction between different experiments using different filenames. You must supply image_FILE and seg_FILE along with the class-labels in .cfg e.g.:

image_FILE = "image.nii.gz"
seg_FILE = "segmentation.nii.gz"
class_list = [0,1,2,4]


You will need to clone this repository and also download two folders into its root:

  • reference_images: a set of 5 reference images and manual segmentations available here
  • test_subjects: a single folder containing the automated segmentation segmentation.nii.gz of an image image.nii.gz and its manual GT.nii.gz available here

We have classes 0 (background), 1 (LV cavity), 2 (LV myocardium) and 4 (RV cavity) in our segmentations, so the config.cfg is the same as the one in this repository.

For a single test-segmentation:

We pass the name of the directory that contains all of the files associated with the test-segmentation we want to test. We can run the command:

python ./RCA.py --subject ./test_subjects/subject1 --refs ./reference_images --config config.cfg --GT GT.nii.gz --seg segmentation.nii.gz --output ./done

This runs RCA on the single subject subject1 and places the output into a folder called done.

For a selection of test-segmentations

If we pass a .txt containing a list of the directories for subjects 1-n, we would have n subfolders for each subject placed into done. We create test_subjects.txt that contains:


This time we pass the argument subjects and not subject:

python ./RCA.py --subjects test_subjects.txt --refs ./reference_images --config config.cfg --GT GT.nii.gz --seg segmentation.nii.gz --output ./done


Questions and comments can be directed to Rob Robinson: r.robinson16@imperial.ac.uk

Cite the MICCAI 2017 paper if using/modifying this code:

Robinson, R., Valindria, V.V., Bai, W., Suzuki, H., Matthews, P.M., Page, C., Rueckert, D., Glocker, B.: Automatic Quality Control of Cardiac MRI Segmentation in Large-Scale Population Imaging. In Descoteaux, M., Maier-Hein, L., Franz, A., Jannin, P., Collins, D.L., Duchesne, S., eds.: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2017, Cham, Springer International Publishing (2017) 720–727
