
Udacity Nanodegree Data Engineering Capstone Project

Primary LanguagePython

Udacity Dataengineering Nanodegree: Capstone Project

This project is the final assignment in the Udacity Nanodegree in Data Engineering.

US Immigration Data ETL Pipeline

Four datasets are provided and outlined below. The notebook Capstone_Project.ipynb contains the overall data exploration and insights into the data pipeline. The data ETL pipeline is written as an Airflow Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) which loads data from S3 into tables hosted on Amazon Redshift.


I94 Immigration Data.

  • Source: US National Tourism and Trade Office link.
  • Format: .sas7bat
  • Info: Records of international visitor arrivals by regions and countries, visa type, method of travel, age, state, and port of entry.

World Temperature Data.

  • Source: Kaggle link.
  • Format: .csv
  • Info: Statistics on world temperature by date, city, country, latitude, and longitude.

U.S. City Demographic Data.

  • Source: OpenSoft link.
  • Format: .csv
  • Info: Demographics fpr US cities with a population >= 65,000.

Airport Code Data.

  • Source: Datahub link.
  • Format: .csv
  • Info: A table of IATA (3-letter) or ICAO (4-letter) airport codes and corresponding cities

Project Writeup

The notebook Capstone_Project.ipynb contains the writeup for this project. It contains:

  1. Inital data exploration, and for this project.
  2. Method for saving the immigration dataset to .parquet format.
  3. Inspection of the 4 datasets.
  4. Overview of the ETL pipeline.
  5. Some insights from the project.


  1. Create .cfg file for the project.
  2. Run the cells in Capstone_Project.ipynb notebook to generate .parquet files.
  3. Copy data from Udacity workspace to S3
  4. Create the Redshift Cluster
  5. Database schema

1. Create the .cfg

This config is used to create the redshift_cluster, as well as provide configuration for the copy_data_to_s3.py script. It should be placed in the project root directory. The ARN under IAM_ROLE can be completed after creating the cluster below.





2. Run the project Notebook

The notebook contains an exploration of the data and generates .parquet files for the immigration data.

3. Copy Data to S3

I created a Python script to upload the unprocessed data from the local Udacity workspace to an S3 Bucket on AWS. This includes the .parquet files created when the Capstone_Project.ipynb notebook is run.

To copy the data, from the Udacity workspace, run:

python ./copy_data_to_s3.py

4. Create the Redshift Cluster

Run the script to create a redshift cluster (make sure that the .cfg file is complete)

python ./create_clutster.py

Take note of the IAM_ROLE, ARN and ENDPOINT which are needed to complete the .cfg and to configure Airflow.

5. Database Schema

Several tables are created in this project. The schema is shown in Figure 1.

The Database comprises:

  • public.staging_immigration: immgration data
  • public.staging_temperature: world temperature data
  • public.staging_airports: airport code data
  • public.staging_demographics: city demographic data
  • public.dim_i94cit: city codes
  • public.dim_i94port: port of entry code
  • public.dim_i94mode: mode of transport codes
  • public.dim_i94addr: state codes
  • public.dim_i94visa: vida type codes

Schema Figure 1: The Schema modeled in this project.

6. ETL Pipeline

The ETL Pipeline is written as an Airflow DAG and shown in Figure 2. The pipeline:

  • Creates the dimension tables on Redshift.
  • Creates the staging tables on Redshift.
  • Copies the data from S3 into the staging tables.
  • Copies data from the SAS Labels file into dimension tables.
  • Performs Data Quality Checks on tables.

Pipeline Figure 2: The Airflow DAG ETL Pipeline.

Airflow needs to be configured with the Redshift Connection and AWS Credentials. Under Admin > Connections > Create New add the following 2 connections. The entries should match those used to make the redshift cluster in .cfg.

AWS Connection

Conn ID = aws_credentials
Conn Type = Amazon Web Services
Login = <AWS KEY>
Password = <AWS SECRET KEY>

Redshift Connection

Conn ID = redshift
Conn Type = Postgred
Schema = <DB_NAME>
Login = <DB_USER>
Password = <DB_PASSWORD>
Port = 5439