
Adversarially training Image and Spatial Transformer Networks to perform Domain Adapation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Domain Adapation with Image and Spatial Transformer Networks

R. Robinson June 2020

A task model (classifier or regressor) may lose performance when it is trained on one domain and evaluated on another. This work performs DA and simultaneously trains a task model on images S2T - i.e. images transformed from the source domain s to the target domain T.

DA is performed by training an Image and Spatial Transformer Network (ISTN) [1] which allow constrained modifications to be applied to the intensity, i.e. luminance, contrast, and spatial transformations. Affine and B-Spline-based STNs are implements. The task model is trained independenly of the ISTN such that the trained ISTN can then be used to train other task models.

It was originally used to transform between Brain MRI from two different sites (or scanners). It has also been used to move between transform deformed MNIST (Morpho-MNIST domains as proof-of-concept. The point of this work is to show the possibility that DA can be performed with explicit and constrained image-level (luminance, contrast etc.) and spatial transformations which retain some explainability over feature-level DA.

Submitted to MICCAI 2020.

If you intend to use this work please cite the pre-print available at::

Robinson, R. et al. (2020). Image-level Harmonization of Multi-Site Data using Image-and-Spatial Transformer Networks. MICCAI 2020. https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.16741


[1] Lee, M. C. H., Oktay, O., Schuh, A., Schaap, M., & Glocker, B. (2019). Image-and-Spatial Transformer Networks for Structure-Guided Image Registration. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 11765 LNCS, pp. 337–345). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32245-8_38

[2] Castro, D. C., Tan, J., Kainz, B., Konukoglu, E., & Glocker, B. (2019). Morpho-MNIST: Quantitative Assessment and Diagnostics for Representation Learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20(178), 1–29. https://doi.org/http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/63396


Scripts for training the ISTN and task models are provided as well as an inference script. To see the benefit of DA with ISTNs:

  1. train_task_model.py - Train a task model $Task\sb{S}$ on the source domain S.
  2. inference.py - Run task model inference on S and target domain T. Usually $Task\sb{S}(T) < Task\sb{S}(T)$ due to domain shift.
  3. da_unidirectional_training.py - Train the ISTN to transform S to T giving S2T. A new task model $Task\sb{A2B}$ is trained either from scratched or finetuned from $Task\sb{S}$.
  4. da_bidirectional_training.py - Same as unidirectional but uses 2 ISTNs to train like CycleGAN.
  5. inference.py - Run new task model inferenece on T: usually model performance is recovered such that $Task\sb{A2B}(T) > $Task\sb{S}(T)$.

Config Files

The config files in the config folder contain all of the variables that are passed to each script. Each config is a .json file with keys and values.

  1. config_task_training.json - variables for training the initial task model.
  2. config_train_unidirectional.json - variables for training the ISTN and new task model with only 1 ISTN.
  3. config_train_bidirectional.json - variables for training the ISTN and new task model with 2 ISTNs (CycleGAN).
  4. config_inference.json - variables for performing intererence.

Training Task Model (train_task_model.py)

The script is invoked with the required options

  • --model_type: {classifier, regressor} - the model type to be trained. The appropriate architecture is automatically selected.

Example Usage

python ./train_task_model.py --model_type classifier


key type decription
train_set str Path to to the .tsv file containing the training data filenames.
test_set str Path to the .tsv file containing the validation data filenames.
label_key str The key of the Pandas data-frame column to use as labels during task model training.
augmentation bool Whether to apply augmentation 1 or not 0 to the training images.
normalizer str Function applied to the input images before being passed to the ISTN. Either tanh or None. Others can be implemented.
input_shape list ints The shape of the input images as a list of ints, e.g. [64, 64, 64] for a 3D image.
num_classes int Currently 1 only. Performs binary classification. Changes the number of nodes in the final layer of the classification task-model.
nf int Number of filters in the first layer of the discriminator, itn, stn and task models. Currently all the same - differences can be implemented.
learning_rate float The learning rate for the istn and discriminator models
batch_size int The batch size for training the istn, discriminator and task models.
val_interval int The number of training epochs between each round of validation.
epochs int The total number of training epochs.

Training ISTN (da_unidirectional_training.py or da_bidirectional_training.py)

The script is invoked with the required options

  • --model_type: {classifier, regressor} - the model type to be trained. The appropriate architecture is automatically selected.

Optional parameters can be passed:

  • --nii: saves samples (default=3) on each validation step as 3D .nii.gz.
  • --png: saves samples (default=3) on each validation step as 2D .png (central slice of 3D image)
  • --B2A: swaps the two sites (rather than changing the config file.)
  • --dev int: sets the CUDA device to use.
  • --num_dataset_workers int: the number of threads to spawn for each training dataset. Validation sets are automatically set to 1 worker each.

Example Usage

python ./da_adversarial_training.py --model_type classifier --nii --png --dev 1


key type decription
task_model str If you intend to finetune a previously trained task model rather than train a new one from scratch, provide the path to the .pt file here
finetune bool Whether to finetune 1 or not 0 from a previously trained model (rather than training from scratch). Must provide path to task_model .pt
label_key str The key of the Pandas data-frame column to use as labels during task model training.
augmentation bool Whether to apply augmentation 1 or not 0 to the training images.
normalizer str Function applied to the input images before being passed to the ISTN. Either tanh or None. Others can be implemented.
input_shape list ints The shape of the input images as a list of ints, e.g. [64, 64, 64] for a 3D image.
num_classes int Currently 1 only. Performs binary classification. Changes the number of nodes in the final layer of the classification task-model.
nf int Number of filters in the first layer of the discriminator, itn, stn and task models. Currently all the same - differences can be implemented.
stn str The type of STN to employ, either bspline, affine or None.
max_displacement float If bspline STN is used, caps the allowed spatial displacement of the control points. Should be in range [0.0, 1.0] which is a proportion of the image (i.e. 0.1 is 10% of the image dimension.)
cp_spacing list int If bspline STN is used, the spacing between control points in each dimension in pixels/voxels, e.g. [8, 8, 8]
early_stopping_epochs int If training performance does not improve by early_stopping_epochs, training is terminated and last model saved.
learning_rate float The learning rate for the istn and discriminator models
cyc_weight int The weighting factor (lambda) to apply which controls the importance of the identity loss.
batch_size int The batch size for training the istn, discriminator and task models.
val_interval int The number of training epochs between each round of validation.
epochs int The total number of training epochs.
gan_loss str The adversarial loss function to apply to the istn output. One of bce, mse, l1.
idt_loss str The identity loss function to apply to the istn output. One of bce, mse, l1.
dis_loss str The loss function to apply to the discriminator output. One of bce, mse, l1.
files list str List of paths to files which should be copied to the output directory.

Inference (inference.py)

The script is invoked with the required options

  • --model_type: {classifier, regressor} - the model type to be trained. The appropriate architecture is automatically selected.

Optional parameters can be passed:

  • --itn: if passed, the ITN in itn_path will be applied to the images.
  • --stn: if passed, the STN in stn_path will be applied to the images.
python ./inferece.py --model_type classifier --itn --stn


key type decription
test_set str Path to the .tsv file containing the validation data filenames.
task_model str If you intend to finetune a previously trained task model rather than train a new one from scratch, provide the path to the .pt file here
label_key str The key of the Pandas data-frame column to use as labels during task model training.
itn_path str Path to the trained ITN model .pt.
stn str The type of STN to employ, either bspline, affine or None.
stn_path str Path to the trained STN model .pt.
max_displacement float If bspline STN is used, caps the allowed spatial displacement of the control points. Should be in range [0.0, 1.0] which is a proportion of the image (i.e. 0.1 is 10% of the image dimension.)
cp_spacing list int If bspline STN is used, the spacing between control points in each dimension in pixels/voxels, e.g. [8, 8, 8]
normalizer str Function applied to the input images before being passed to the ISTN. Either tanh or None. Others can be implemented.
input_shape list ints The shape of the input images as a list of ints, e.g. [64, 64, 64] for a 3D image.
num_classes int Currently 1 only. Performs binary classification. Changes the number of nodes in the final layer of the classification task-model.
nf int Number of filters in the first layer of the discriminator, itn, stn and task models. Currently all the same - differences can be implemented.
thresholds list float For a regressor model, a list of thresholds to be applied to the absolute errors to calculate an accuracy metric for the task model.