
PhD Thesis Template with Roboto Font and Color Sections

Primary LanguageTeX

PhD Thesis Template

This LaTeX template was created by Rob Robinson for his PhD Thesis: final version submitted July 22nd 2020.

A copy of the finished thesis is available in this repository, but will also be available on Imperial College London's Spiral Repository.

If you use this template, please be sure to accreddit the repository in the "Declaration" section of your thesis:

The formatting for this thesis is taken from the Thesis Template by R. Robinson at \url{https://github.com/mlnotebook/thesis_template}.


  • Figures and Tables are in their own contrasting coloured boxes.
  • Captions have a title and description component.
  • Chapter headings get their own page with abstract formatting.
  • Pre-amble includes epigraph, dedication and other standard sections.
  • A 'listings' environment is repurposed to hold Source Code in the Appendix. Also added to Table of Contents.
  • Acronyms are shown in the preamble.

User-defined Commands

Blank page:

  • \newcommand{\blankpage}{\newpage\null\thispagestyle{empty}\newpage}

Italicized Latin:

  • \newcommand{\eg}{\textit{e.g.}}
  • \newcommand{\ie}{\textit{i.e.}}
  • \newcommand{\cf}{\textit{c.f.}}
  • \newcommand{\etc}{\textit{etc.}}
  • \newcommand{\etal}{\textit{et al.}}

Horizontal Rule above Paragraph:

  • \newcommand{\aboveparrule}{\leavevmode\rule{0.9\textwidth}{0.15ex}}

New page at each Section:

  • \newcommand{\sectionbreak}{\clearpage}

Caption title and description (title also appears in Table of Contents):

  • \newcommand*\mycaption[2]{\caption[#1]{\textbf{#1} #2}}


Title Page

The title page contains a centralized title with aligned authorship data beneath. Two images are added to the top: institution and research group logos.

Preview of Title Page

Chapter headings in the template have their own page. They are aligned to the bottom of the page and consist of:

  • Chapter number - automatically enumerated.
  • Abstract - written in the bespoke 'cabstract' environment.
  • Description/publication statement - recognition of publication status of the work in the chapter.
Preview of Chapter Heading
  • Figures use the 'mdframed' package to give a contrasting background to the figure image.
  • Captions use the 'mycaption' user-defined command noted above which has a title and description component.
Preview of Figure
  • Tables use the 'mdframed' package to give a contrasting background to the table.
  • The 'colorbox' is used to make sure that the tables have an enclosing white box if multiple tables are stacked together.
  • Multiple tables can be stacked together horizontally or vertically using the 'minipage' environment.
  • Captions use the 'mycaption' user-defined command noted above which has a title and description component.
Preview of Figure
Shaded Sections
  • The 'shaded' environment is used to create color blocks to emphasis distinct blocks of text - perhaps summaries or definitions.
Preview of Figure Preview of Figure
Source Code
  • A 'listings' environment has been repurposed to hold source code. These are held in the appendix. The listings are given their own table of contents after the list of tables.
Preview of Figure