
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Based on laravel-saml (a Laravel 4 project by KnightSwarm).

Open Source SAML Auth Support for Laravel using simplesamlphp.


  • Laravel install, of course
  • Working SimpleSAMLphp instance acting like an Service Provider


First, we need this package available on Laravel, update your composer.json dependencies with:

"mlntn/laravel-saml": "dev-master"

and run composer update

After we have this package, we need to load it on Laravel, for this, add this service provider to the 'providers' array in config/app.php:


and this facade to the 'aliases' array.

'Saml' => 'Mlntn\LaravelSaml\Facades\Saml'

Now, we need to configure it, run the following to create a saml.php file inside config:

 php artisan vendor:publish

You will need to setup routes like this:

Route::post('sso/login', '\Mlntn\LaravelSaml\Controllers\SamlController@login');
Route::post('sso/logout', '\Mlntn\LaravelSaml\Controllers\SamlController@logout');

You will also need to create a service provider class that implements Mlntn\LaravelSaml\Contracts\User and register that class in AppServiceProvider.

Here is an example implementation:


namespace App\Services;

use App\Models\User;
use Mlntn\LaravelSaml\Contracts\User as UserContract;

class SamlUser implements UserContract {

   * @param string $identifier
   * @return boolean
  public function exists($identifier) {
    return User::join('user_saml', 'user.id', '=', 'user_id')->whereSamlIdentifier($identifier)->count() > 0;

   * @param string $identifier
   * @return mixed
  public function get($identifier) {
    return User::select('user.*')->join('user_saml', 'user.id', '=', 'user_id')->whereSamlIdentifier($identifier)->firstOrFail();

   * @param string $identifier
   * @return mixed
  public function setup($identifier) {
    if (auth()->check()) {
      $user = auth()->user();

      return redirect()->intended('/');
    else {
      session()->flash('saml_identifier', $identifier);

      return redirect()->to('/auth/login');
