
Deaf Poker Northern Rivers

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Australian Deaf Poker Championships
On 5 October 2018, the Outcasts will be defending their title against 10 teams from around Australia and overseas. The team, led by Michael Lockrey and Gavin Rose-Mundy is Lloyd Britton, Johnny Mahony, Nikolas Schlie, Michael Shepherd, Scott Turner and Ersel Uzel.
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Come and play Poker with us
In a relaxed, friendly, social environment during our monthly games held in the beautiful Northern Rivers of New South Wales.
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Get in Touch
If you are interested in playing Deaf Poker with us, or even just coming along to watch, please get in touch. SMS on 0432 548 998 or emails to michael.lockrey@gmail.com
Website created by Michael Lockrey AKA Chunk Norris using VuePress.