
Replication of the paper "Structured Neural Summarization" which uses Graph Neural Networks and Seq2Seq models to summarize natural language and source code.

Primary LanguagePython

Structured Neural Summarization

Extracting the Dataset

In order to extract the features from the corpus proto files, run:

python data_processing/data_generation.py

In order for the command to be successful, it is necessary to have a directory corpus/r252-corpus-features with the protos of the corpus. Optionally, it is possible to downloaded the extracted dataset at https://drive.google.com/file/d/14k4AgOVws4_TfPtDGefXzPn3x2Ph083h/view?usp=sharing. After putting the downloaded file under the data/ directory (which needs to be created), it is possible to train and evaluate the model.

Running the Models

In order to train a model and evaluate a model, run:

python training/train.py --model_name="lstm_gcn_to_lstm_attention" --print_every=10000 --attention=True --graph=True --iterations=500000

All the possible options when running a model can be seen by running:

python train.py --help

Pretrained Models

A pretrained version of the best performing model (as a state dictionary) can be downloaded at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fm7hGzr-tziNhUMh8duc8s4j5gWW3uKm/view?usp=sharing

High-Level Code Structure

  • data_processing/: contains the code for extracting, storing, analysing and processing data
    • data_analysis.ipynb: notebook containing analysis of the extracted data
    • data_extraction.py: contains the logic to extract the features data from the proto files of the corpus
    • data_generation.py: file to be called to generate the features data
    • data_util.py: contains utilities to work with data
    • text_util.py: contains utilities to work with text
  • models/: contains all the code for the different models
    • full_model.py: class of the complete methodNaming model
    • gat_encoder.py: class for the Graph Attention Network encoder
    • gcn_encoder.py: class for the Graph Convolutional Network encoder
    • graph_attention_layer.py: class for the Graph Attention Layer used by the Graph Attention Network
    • graph_convolutional_layer.py: class for the Graph Convolutional Layer used by the Graph Convolutional Network
    • lstm_decoder.py: class for the LSTM sequence decoder
    • lstm_encoder.py: class for the LSTM sequence encoder
  • training.py: contains code to train and evaluate the models
    • evaluation_util.py: contains utilities to compute evaluation metrics
    • train.py: entry-point for training the models
    • train_model.py: contains logic to train the models