
A study on concentration of illicit drug metabolites at UF stadium football game

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The purpose of this project is to estimate the concentrations of substances near Ben Hill Griffith Stadium on a game day.

Summary of scripts

In order to run the R scripts required for the primary paper, you will need the following packages installed: tidyverse, brms, Hmisc, GGally, cowplot, kableExtra, and visdat.

  • scripts/
    • 01.eda: creates some of the figures for the paper
    • 02_*: fits the main models for the paper and performs prior and posterior checks on model fits; create summaries of the model results for the paper
    • 03_enter_metabolism_data.R: creates a dataset with information on metabolites provided by Bikram Subedi
    • can ignore other scripts in this directory for the purposes of the main paper
    • clean_dataset.R: takes the raw data and converts it to an analysis-ready dataset