Dockerfile for Yeoman with AngularJS generators


docker run -it --rm -p 9000:9000 -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 -v $(pwd)/app:/app alexagency/angular-yeoman

Initiate one of Yeoman generators:

AngularJS Oficial generator:

yo angular

AngularJS Full-Stack generator:

yo angular-fullstack

ngBoilerplate generator:

yo ngbp

AngularJS with GulpJS:

yo gulp-angular

Check generated project in /app.


AngularJS Oficial, AngularJS Full-Stack and ngBoilerplate:

grunt build --force

AngularJS with GulpJS:

gulp build

Run unit tests:

AngularJS Oficial, AngularJS Full-Stack and ngBoilerplate:

grunt test

AngularJS with GulpJS:

gulp test

Compile and launch:

AngularJS Oficial, AngularJS Full-Stack and ngBoilerplate:

sed -i s/localhost/ Gruntfile.js
grunt serve --force

AngularJS with GulpJS:

gulp serve

Browse to Angular webapp:

AngularJS Oficial, AngularJS Full-Stack and ngBoilerplate:

http://<virtual machine ip>:9000/

AngularJS with GulpJS:

http://<virtual machine ip>:3000/
http://<virtual machine ip>:3001/