
🍪 Cookiecutter template for MLOps Project. Based on: https://mlops-guide.github.io/

Primary LanguagePython


🍪 Cookiecutter template for MLOps Project based on the MLOps Guide

Example proejct: https://github.com/MLOPsStudyGroup/dvc-gitactions

This template can be used to develop a project based on the MLOps guide: https://mlopsstudygroup.github.io/mlops-guide/

Ideal Stack

  • Data Versioning: DVC
  • Machine Learning Pipeline: DVC Pipeline (preprocess, train, evaluate)
  • CI/CD: Unit testing with Pytest, pre-commit and Github Actions
  • CML: Continuous Machine Learning and Github Actions
  • Deploy on release: Github Actions and IBM Watson
  • Monitoring: IBM OpenScale
  • Infrastructure-as-a-code: Terraform script


Install cookiecutter

Cookiecutter is a CLI tool used to create projects based on templates. It supports Windows, Linux and MacOS officially. The instalation process is listed on their documentation: https://cookiecutter.readthedocs.io/en/1.7.2/installation.html

Use Template

This is runs cookiecutter and creates a project based on this template and the response from questions asked on the CLI, such as: author,project_name,open_source_license and others.

cookiecutter https://github.com/MLOPsStudyGroup/mlops-template.git