What is this?

This is an attempt to allow VSIX projects to be able to use "SDK" style projects


Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.6 or higher

Building the sample

First, you'll need to pack the SDK package and the "meta" package (in Visual Studio, you can do this by opening Microsoft.Vsix.Sdk.sln, right-clicking each project and selecting Pack).

Now, opening the samples\Samples.sln should work & things like F5 should work as usual.

Known issues

Updating the vsixmanifest doesn't necessarily cause things to be fully re-built.

  • Doing a clean & rebuild should get things working again

The designer for the vsixmanifest file doesn't work

  • This is a known limitation for now

The item templates for extensiblity projects don't show up

  • This is a known limitation for now


A lot of what's here is adapted from AArnott/VSIXProjectWithPackageReferences