

Vimgur is a site inspired by imgur and vimeo. It's a hybrid that is meant to showcase the most interesting videos people come across on vimeo. Vimgur is built with Ruby on Rails on the backend, a PostgreSQL database, and a ReactJS with Redux architecture for the frontend.

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Features & Implementation

The Video Grid

Throughout vimgur videos are rendered in a similar style. So I used a VideoGrid component to handle rendering the videos. The component received one prop videos. I was able to use this same component on the homepage, videos page, video show page, and user profile pages.

The VideoGrid component:

render() {
  const videos = this.props.videos;
    <div className="video-grid">
      {Object.keys(videos).map(id => {
        let video = videos[id];
        let divStyle = {backgroundImage: 'url(' + video.thumbnail + ')'}

        return (
          <Link key={id} to={`/videos/${}`} className="video-square">
            <div className="video-thumb" style={divStyle}>
            <div className="info-overlay">
                <i className="fa fa-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i>

Adding videos

Adding videos to the database is as easy as submitting a link from vimeo. Vimeo's oEmbed API allows lookup with just a url so with just a link I'm able to retrieve a video's title, thumbnail, and embed url. Each data field is inserted in my Video database which has the columns title, embed_url, thumbnail, and user_id. The user_id is optional because people should be allowed to submit links without signing up.

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Viewing the Best/New Videos

Besides the top 8 videos on the homepage a user can click to see the top 20 best videos and top 20 new videos by going to the /best and /new routes. The API receives the url videos?sort=best which the rails controller reads the params and returns a list of 20 videos sorted by likes.

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User Profile & Likes

Likes are handled by a join table the holds the user_id and video_id. This join table allows the video to show whether the logged in user has liked the current video or not. Also, the user can see liked_videos on their profile page. Liking a video is restricted to users only. Clicking on like whilst not logged in will result in a modal asking for you to sign in.

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