
Vagrant configuration of Windows VM for hassle-free fun with PostGIS

Vagrant PostGIS on Windows

Vagrant configuration to provide users with VM for hassle-free fun with PostGIS

Looking for Linux VM with PostGIS environment? Check https://github.com/mloskot/vagrant-postgis


  • Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 R2
  • PostgreSQL 9.5 (official binaries)
  • PostgGIS 2.2.8 (official binaries)
  • Pre-configured with
    • Port forwarding from host 6543 to guest 5432.
    • PostgreSQL server with admin (postgres) and non-admin user (vagrant), password for both users is vagrant.
    • Sample PostgreSQL database vagrant created, with PostGIS enabled.



  • git clone this repository or download ZIP.
  • cd vagrant-postgis-windows
  • Follow the Usage section.


  • vagrant up to create and boot the guest virtual machine. First time run, this may take quite a while as the base box image is downloaded and provisioned, packages installed.

  • vagrant halt to shutdown the guest machine.

  • vagrant destroy to wipe out the guest machine completely. You can re-create it and start over with vagrant up.

  • psql -h localhost -p 6543 -d vagrant -U vagrant to connect to database from host. Similarly, you can connect using pgAdmin3.
