
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This repository is the official implementation of the paper "F-COREF: Fast, Accurate and Easy to Use Coreference Resolution".

The fastcoref Python package provides an easy and fast API for coreference information with only few lines of code without any prepossessing steps.


pip install fastcoref


NEW try out the FastCoref web demo

Hugging Face Spaces

Credit: Thanks to @aribornstein !

Quick start

The main functionally of the package is the predict function. The return value of the function is a list of CorefResult objects, from which one can extract the coreference clusters (either as strings or as character indices over the original texts), as well as the logits for each corefering entity pair:

from fastcoref import FCoref

model = FCoref(device='cuda:0')

preds = model.predict(
   texts=['We are so happy to see you using our coref package. This package is very fast!']

> [[(0, 2), (33, 36)],
   [(33, 50), (52, 64)]

> [['We', 'our'],
   ['our coref package', 'This package']

   span_i=(33, 50), span_j=(52, 64)

> 18.852894

Processing can be applied to a collection of texts of any length in a batched and parallel fashion:

texts = ['text 1', 'text 2',.., 'text n']

# control the batch size 
# with max_tokens_in_batch parameter

preds = model.predict(
    texts=texts, max_tokens_in_batch=100

The max_tokens_in_batch parameter can be used to control the speed vs. memory consumption (as well as speed vs. accuracy) tradeoff, and can be tuned to maximize the utilization of the associated hardware.

Lastly, To use the larger but more accurate LingMess model, simply import LingMessCoref instead of FCoref:

from fastcoref import LingMessCoref

model = LingMessCoref(device='cuda:0')

Distil your own coref model

On top of the provided models, the package also provides the ability to train and distill coreference models on your own data, opening the possibility for fast and accurate coreference models for additional languages and domains.

To be able to distil your own model you need:

  1. A Large unlabeled dataset, for instance Wikipedia or any other source.
  2. A teacher model to annotate clusters for this dataset. For instance, It can be the package LingMess model.
  3. A student model, in the below example, we define the teacher model architecture, but you can modify it with another set of hyper-parameters.

Dataset guidelines:

  1. Each dataset split (train/dev/test) should be in separate file.
  2. Each file should be in jsonlines format
  3. Each json line in the file must include these fields:
    1. doc_key (you can use uuid.uuid4().hex to generate or any other keys)
    2. tokens field, if you have plain text, it is recommended to run Spacy tokenizer to get tokens.
    3. clusters information as a span start/end indices of the tokens.

As mentioned before, you can have the clusters and the tokens information using this package to any unlabeled dataset.

Once you done preparing annotate dataset files, you can do the following for training:

git clone https://github.com/shon-otmazgin/fastcoref.git
cd fastcoref/hard_training
python run.py \
      --cache_dir=CACHE_DIR \
      --output_dir=DIR_NAME  \
      --overwrite_output_dir \
      --model_name_or_path=distilroberta-base \     # or any other you would like.
      --train_file=PATH_TO_TRAIN_FILE.jsonlines \
      --dev_file=PATH_TO_DEV_FILE.jsonlines \
      --test_file=PATH_TO_TEST_FILE.jsonlines \
      --max_tokens_in_batch=5000 \                  # configure based on your max length document and your GPU size.
      --do_train \
      --eval_split=dev \
      --logging_steps=500 \
      --eval_steps=1000 \
      --train_epochs=50 \
      --head_learning_rate=3e-5  \
      --learning_rate=1e-5 \
      --ffnn_size=1024 \                           # you can have larger coreference head with this parameter.
      --experiment_name="your-custom-fastcoref" \

After finish training your own model, push the model the huggingface hub (or keep it local), and load your model:

from fastcoref import FCoref

model = FCoref(

Or in case of LingMessCoref model:

model = LingMessCoref(

Or in case of LingMess model:
