
Primary LanguagePython


Python script for copying/moving pattern-matched files in source directory to some destination directory while maintaining the source directory's original tree structure. Can take in individual patterns at command line or via a .csv file. Additionally, will provide a receipt of "old" and "new" destinations for files as a .txt in same directory as script.


positional arguments

  • src: path to source directory to match/copy/move from
  • dst: path to destination directory to send matched files

optional arguments

  • -p, --patterns: unix-style filename match patterns; supports '*' and mutliple values separated by spaces

    • ex.: -p testfile-01*
    • ex. (multi): -p testfile-01* some-other*pattern third-p*tt*rn
    • ex.: --patterns=testfile-01*
    • default: None
    • multi: True
  • -i, --inputFile: path to .csv file containing two columns ('pattern', 'extensions'), with each row as an individual pattern to match on. 'extensions' column allows for matching only certain file types.

    • ex.: -i inputFile.csv
    • ex.: --inputFile=inputFile.csv
    • default: None
    • multi: False
  • -e, --exts: list of file extensions to filter matched files by

    • note: any 'extensions' column in passed inputFile overrides exts passed at command line as arguments
    • ex.: -e .png
    • ex. (multi): -e .png .exr .ProRes
    • default: None
    • multi: True
    • note: must include 'dot' ('.'), i.e. '.xlsx', '.png', etc.
    • note: if no file extensions passed in either .csv or at command line, then script will copy/move all files that matched a pattern, regardless of file type.
  • -m, --mode: mode of copy when match found, i.e. copy (does not alter original file) vs 'move' (moves original file to dst directory)

    • WARNING: script utilizes python builtin module shutil. Moving files may cause loss of some metadata. See module's warning here.
    • default: copy

CSV Input File

If -i passed with input file path, then the script can import a list of patterns, and, if desired, a filter for file type extensions. See inputFile.csv in /examples for reference.

File Columns

  • (required) 'pattern': pattern values; supports unix-style pattern matching with '*', etc.
  • (optional) 'extensions': list of file types to filter matched files by
    • note: must include 'dot' ('.'), i.e. '.xlsx', '.png', etc.
    • note: 'extensions' column overrides exts passed at command line as arguments, but script will use command line arguments if no 'extensions' column in .csv


Absolute paths (preferred):

python matchcopy.py /source/absolute/path /destination/absolute/path -p match*this -e .txt

Supports relative paths if script located in some top directory:

python matchcopy.py ./source/relative/path ./destination/relative/path -p match*this -e .txt

Multiple patterns and file extensions:

python matchcopy.py /source/absolute/path /destination/absolute/path -p match*this and*also*this *why*not-a-third* -e .txt .png .exr

Input file with explicit 'move' mode:

python matchcopy.py /source/absolute/path /destination/absolute/path -i /path/to/inputFile.csv -m move