
An implementation of Twirp in Crystal

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT


An implementation of Twirp in Crystal.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: mloughran/twirp.cr
  2. Run shards install


To see an example proto definition, generator, server, and client, see the included example.

Protobuf generator

Includes a protoc plugin for generating Twirp server and client implementations from a protobuf service definition.

protoc --twirp_crystal_out=src --plugin=bin/protoc-gen-twirp_crystal example.proto

Typically you will also want to generate protobuf message definitions:

protoc --crystal_out=src --plugin=bin/protoc-gen-crystal example.proto

Twirp client

For example:

require "./example.twirp.cr"
require "./example.pb.cr"

client = ExampleService::Client.new("localhost", 8080)

req = HelloWorldRequest.new(name: "twirp")
resp = client.hello_world(req)
puts resp.greeting

I've elected to raise an error (which will be a subclass of Twirp::Error) if a Twirp error response is received, rather that take the ruby approach of returning a result object. Exceptions will also be raised by the HTTP::Client in case of transport errors.

Twirp server

Implement a handler (subclassing the generated abstract class):

class ExampleHandler < ExampleService
  def hello_world(req : HelloWorldRequest) : HelloWorldResponse
    HelloWorldResponse.new(greeting: "Hello #{req.name}")

Pass this to a Twirp server (which is itself a HTTP::Handler):

require "twirp/server"

twirp_server = Twirp::Server.new(ExampleHandler.new)

Expose this via a HTTP::Server:

server = HTTP::Server.new(twirp_server)
address = server.bind_tcp 8080
puts "Listening on http://#{address}"

To return a Twirp error, raise the appropriate Twirp::Error from your handler. For example:

class ExampleHandler < ExampleService
  def hello_world(req : HelloWorldRequest) : HelloWorldResponse
    raise Twirp::Error::Unauthenticated.new("Sorry!")

Any other errors raised by handler code will be caught, logged, and an internal Twirp error will be returned to the client. Exceptions can be captured by passing an exception_handler proc to Twirp::Server.new.


Twirp::Server produces log output when handling handling requests. This can be customised, e.g.:

Twirp::Log.level = Log::Severity::Warn


Install shards and build

shards install
shards build

Verify that example generates cleanly

cd example && make clean generate && cd -

Run server and client:

crystal run example/server.cr
crystal run example/client.cr

There are currently no specs, sorry.


With thanks to https://github.com/jgaskins/grpc for the generator (which is more or less verbatim), and for inspiring the double-macro approach for the service DSL (since I'm still wrapping my head around crystal macros).