Insider's Teeter Totter Challenge



This was an interesting challenge, never done anything like it. I was thinking to build it with canvas although it is yet another thing I haven't used, and it would add on top of the effort. Although I had some fun, I think it is a quite large challenge.

Ok, without further ado, let's dive into the actual remarks:


  • the game configuration is hardcoded but easily changed in GAME_CONFIGURATION object defined in store.js (take a look to see what's possible)
  • shortcuts:
    • ESC: resets the game
    • SPACE: toggles between play and pause
    • DOWN: to move 1 position down (only on your turn)
  • I've decided to keep the height ticks the same, regardless of available height, so it always does X (defined in the GAME_CONFIGURATION.height) ticks before reaching the board
  • it is responsive (although it is not (yet) ready for touch events), and it uses Javascript to calculate the max angle the scale board can bend, since the height of the scale doesn't change, only the width which affects the angle it has till it hits the floor


  • code is VCS through git
  • there are TODOs all over the code, a couple of issues that need more work, but also ideas and improvements that I simply didn't have time to do
  • I tried to keep the business logic within the Vuex store, and the actual UI positioning of the weights in the UI components.

Javascript wise:

  • started with Vanilla JS then I noticed (almost at the bottom of the rules) that Vuex is a requirement, and add to change the app (maybe for next candidates, it would be great to have the required technologies right on top)
  • gave a shot at using the latest Vue 3 composition API in scale.vue for the 1st time, and my (premature) opinion of it is that it gets messy easily, that component has almost no logic, and it is already hard to navigate with

Regarding CSS:


  • I've left TODOs within the code, some for bugs I didn't have time to figure it out, but also some possible improvements
  • I wanted to add linters and some tests (cover a functional component, a stateful component and some coverage for the store)
  • along the way, I've questioned my initial idea, from functionality to implementation (although too late to rebuild it)
    • having the same amount of height ticks regardless of the inclination of the scale seemed a good idea in the beginning, although if we think about Tetris the ticks are related with the available space
    • I've calculated the position of each weight based on the available space by calculating the 4 corners of the board (considering the scale inclination), this was all manual, I do think that this could be achieved with ease by setting all weights in the center of the board, then using transform: rotate() to fix the alignment

How to run

The game can be found at

Although to run it locally at localhost:3000 in dev mode:

$ npm install
$ npm run dev

It is also possible to run production code locally at localhost:4173 by running:

$ npm ci
$ npm run preview

Challenge instructions

Insider’s Teeter Totter In this project, we expect you to create a standing in balance teeter totter.

  • On the right side of teeter totter, there will be randomly placing objects with random weights. On the left side, there will be nothing but there will be objects falling from top to bottom. According to weight on the sides, teeter totter will be bending towards to heavy side.
  • You will be managing those object’s placement by arrow keys to keep teeter totter on balance.
  • Your task is, keeping this balance as much as you can.


  • The width of teeter totter will be 10m.
  • There will be three different object types with different weights. Triangle, circle and rectangle.
  • On the left side, only falling objects can be placed. You will be controlling objects with arrow keys. The placement of objects should keep balance as its best.
  • On the right side, there will be randomly placing objects, which created randomly and placed randomly.
  • The weights will be between 1 and 10.
  • The bending speed will be increasing or decreasing according to balance.
  • The maximum bending percentage is %30, if it exceeds this limit, simulation ends.
  • If there is extra 20kgm (10kg * 2m) on one side, simulation ends immediately.
  • Distance from center will be considered as factor when placing the objects to keep teeter totter on balance.
  • There will be pause and continue feature. The simulation can be paused and can be resumed last paused state.
  • Vuex store usage expected.
  • Component design expected.
  • You can use any color or styling.


  • The size of the boxes will be determined by its weight.