AEON-Stak-CPU - AEON mining software (fork of fireice-uk/xmr-stak-cpu) with AEON and customizable low power mode
This fork changes it for AEON and makes low_power
mode customizable. This mode will solve X hashes per thread. Change the values in crypto/cryptonight_aesni.h
and minethd.cpp
. Default is 2.
It may become a PR and get merged back to upstream if the original one wants AEON support.
This fork won't GPG sign Windows binaries as they are built automatically by AppVeyor CI and I have no Windows Machine
- Edit the config.txt file to enter your pool login and password.
- Double click the exe file.
XMR-Stak should compile on any C++11 compliant compiler. Windows compiler is assumed to be MSVC 2015 CE. MSVC build environment is not vendored.
#### Usage on Linux (Debian-based distros)
sudo apt-get install libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev cmake build-essential
cmake .
GCC version 5.1 or higher is required for full C++11 support. CMake release compile scripts, as well as CodeBlocks build environment for debug builds is included.
To do a static build for a system without gcc 5.1+
Note - cmake caches variables, so if you want to do a dynamic build later you need to specify '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE'
#### CPU mining performance
* **E5-2630 v1** - 1040 H/s
#### Default dev donation
By default the miner will donate 1% of the hashpower (1 minute in 100 minutes) to my pool. If you want to change that, edit **donate-level.h** before you build the binaries.
If you want to donate directly to support this **AEON FORK**:
AEON WALLET Wmt4c5SLGAE9QjeN7B2nt9i2XRegisu96af24VqhKMa53yDZjGui14bMYQK2WaQyj6D3GqndgVk4hMEbSSxdUSSv2qyygU83e
If you want to donate directly to support further development, here is **fireice-uk XMR wallet**
XMR WALLET (fireice-uk) 4581HhZkQHgZrZjKeCfCJxZff9E3xCgHGF25zABZz7oR71TnbbgiS7sK9jveE6Dx6uMs2LwszDuvQJgRZQotdpHt1fTdDhk
### Common Issues
**SeLockMemoryPrivilege failed**
Please see [config.txt](config.txt) under section **LARGE PAGE SUPPORT**
For Windows 7 pro, or Windows 8 and above see [this article]( (make sure to reboot afterwards!).
For Windows 7 Home :
1) Download and install [Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools]( Ignore incompatiablity warning during installation.
2) In cmd or power shell: `ntrights -u %USERNAME% +r SeLockMemoryPrivilege` (where %USERNAME% is the user that will be running the program. This command needs to be run as admin)
3) Reboot.
*Warning: do not download ntrights.exe from any other site other then the offical Microsoft download page.*
**VirtualAlloc failed**
If you set up the user rights properly (see above), and your system has 4-8GB of RAM (50%+ use), there is a significant chance that there simply won't be a large enough chunk of contiguous memory because Windows is fairly bad at mitigating memory fragmentation.
If that happens, disable all auto-staring applications and run the miner after a reboot.
**msvcp140.dll and vcruntime140.dll not available errors**
Download and install this [runtime package]( from Microsoft. *Warning: Do NOT use "missing dll" sites - dll's are exe files with another name, and it is a fairly safe bet that any dll on a shady site like that will be trojaned. Please download offical runtimes from Microsoft above.*
**Error: MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mmap failed**
From [config.txt](config.txt):
On Linux you will need to configure large page support `sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=128` and increase your
ulimit -l. To do do this you need to add following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf:
* soft memlock 262144
* hard memlock 262144
Save file. You WILL need to log out and log back in for these settings to take affect on your user (no need to reboot, just relogin in your session).
You can also do it Windows-style and simply run-as-root, but this is NOT recommended for security reasons.
**Illegal instruction (core dumped)**
This typically means you are trying to run it on a CPU that does not have [AES]( This only happens on older version of miner, new version gives better error message (but still wont' work since your CPU doesn't support the required instructions).