
A common, asynchronous layer on top of Google/Yandex Translate

Primary LanguageJava

Translation Kit

Translation kit is an asynchronous abstraction on top of common translation services. It offers built-in support for Yandex.Translate (v1.5) and Google Translate (v2). Its primary aim is to offer a modern Java interface while allowing easy switching between services during program execution.

You can find the Javadocs here.

API Keys

Before using the kit, you should acquire a keys for the services you plan to use. Set the key values as environment variables with the following names:

  • Google Translate
  • Yandex.Translate

On certain operating systems, you may need to start your IDE through a terminal in order for the values to be recognized.

Using Translators

Translators perform operations asynchronously and are easily used with lambdas. You can perform simple operations, ignoring possible errors. Although this is isn't suggested, here is an example:

Translator translator = Translators.get(Key.YANDEX);

translator.translate(new Text("test"), Language.NL, possibleResults -> {
    if (possibleResults != null)

Error handling relies on an additional consumer that handles a TranslationError. You can retrieve the service's response code from such errors and act accordingly.

Translator translator = Translators.get(Key.YANDEX);

translator.translate(new Text("test"), Language.NL,
    possibleResults -> {
        if (possibleResults != null)
    error -> {
        if (error.getCode() == 401)
            System.out.println("The API key is invalid.");

The Translator class defines operations for:

  • translating text and retrieving possible translations
  • detecting possible languages a text belongs to
  • determining if translation is supported from one language to another