SchittsCreekTrivia- a collection of trivia games

## SUPERFANS only! Tittlating Spoilers!!!! Test your fancy, obscure word knowledge as you are rewarded or punished with gifs and short scenes and references "everything Schitt$ Creek." <iframe src="" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
javascript extravaganza, API, hangman word guess with alerts, timers, global event handling,this is a living repository. I will add features as I practice and learn.

Guess the answer to the trivia question your letter guesses are tracked to help you solve this kicked up hangman-style game!

You will answer a series of trivia questions and have 3 letter guesses to help to fill in the blanks using the keyboard presses and win the round. You have 1 minute to solve each puzzle. There are 10 puzzles.

Points: (# of times the user has guessed the letter correctly)

Don't be a Dewdropper and hustle to solve the puzzles before the timer runs out!

Strikes: (# of times the user has failed to guess the letter correctly after exhausting all guesses) X strikes or wrong choices and you lose the round

Your Guesses Left: (# of guesses left. This will update)

Your Guesses So Far: ( We track the specific letters that you typed so you can play smart. These will display until you either win or lose.)

When the player wins, increase the Wins counter and start the game over again (without refreshing the page).

When the player loses, increase the Losses counter and restart the game without a page refresh (just like when the user wins).

Option Two: Word Guess Game (Challenge - Recommended)

The theme for the game is Schitt$ Creek. The series of "provocations" may be challenging and you will be rewarded with little easter eggs from the series!

I used javascript and key events to listen for the letters that you type will type as you follow prompts and inputs.

Follow the instruction to get through the game pages toward the moment the Roses lose everything through their journey toward the real good things in LIFE! Monitor your progress through the Dashboard

Press any key to ring the doorbell and seize the Rose family fortune!

Points: (# of times user guessed the word correctly).

  • If the answer is madonna, there will be 7 empty spaces for you to decode displayed like this when the game starts: _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

* As you use your 3 guesses the correct letters will reveal them: m a d _ _ a.

Your number of Number of Guesses will be displayed: (# of guesses remaining for the user).

Your letters Already Guessed will be displayed: (Letters the user has guessed, displayed like L Z Y H).

The games will automatically choose another word and ask you to play again and there is an option to reset the game at any point.

Word Guess Game Bonuses

  1. Play a sound or song when the user guesses their word correctly, like in our demo.
  2. Write some stylish CSS rules to make a design that fits your game's theme.
  3. HARD MODE: Organize your game code as an object, except for the key events to get the letter guessed. This will be a challenge if you haven't coded with JavaScript before, but we encourage anyone already familiar with the language to try this out.
  4. Save your whole game and its properties in an object.
  5. Save any of your game's functions as methods, and call them underneath your object declaration using event listeners.
  6. Don't forget to place your global variables and functions above your object.
    • Remember: global variables, then objects, then calls.
  7. Definitely talk with a TA or your instructor if you get tripped up during this challenge.

meyerweb reset to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on. The general reasoning behind this was discussed in a May 2007 post, if you're interested. Reset styles quite often appear in CSS frameworks, and the original "meyerweb reset" found its way into Blueprint, among others.