
Example Plugin SKSE64 with Commonlib

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


Basic plugin template for use with SKSE64

If you got here through Google, please see the tutorial

End User Dependencies

Build Dependencies

  • CommonLibSSE NG
    • easier for se/ae builds in one dll (could be used from an environment variable as well, CMakeLists.txt will need adjustment for that)
  • spdlog
    • for logging
  • simpleini
  • vcpkg
    • Add the environment variable VCPKG_ROOT with the value as the path to the folder containing vcpkg
  • cmake
    • installed dir needs to be added to the PATH environment variable


  • Visual Studio
  • Rider
  • CLion
  • VS Code
  • update .clang-format file to your likeing for example from here
  • set cmake/Version.h.in variable AUTHOR with your name
  • update version and name in vcpkg.json and CMakeLists.txt (under project) before building


git clone https://github.com/mlthelama/ExamplePlugin-SKSE64.git
cd ExamplePlugin-SKSE64

cmake -B build -S .
python scripts/cmake_generate.py 
cmake --preset vs2022-windows
cmake --build --preset vs2022-windows --config Release
  • cmake -B build -S . will generate the sln file you will open with an ide
  • python scripts/cmake_generate.py is used to generate cmake/sourcelist.cmake and includes all .h and .cpp files from src/ and subdirectories
  • cmake --build build --config Release will just build a dll (it is the same if you build it from rider or vs), Debug or Release are one of the accepted values