• Copy the project seperately
  • Go to 'Getting Started on Heroku with Python'
  • Create an Heroku account
  • install pipenv
  • Install git ( check git --version)
  • Install Heroku CLI
  • Login heroku
  • Create a virtual enviroment
  • Run manage.py not gonna run - pip freeze nothing installing
  • Check which version django,requests you have and install it
  • Run manage.py and then stop it
  • Go to django heroku
  • Create a Procfile and
  • Install django-heroku
  • Add stuff to settings.py file
  • Install guincorn
  • pip freeze - requirements.txt (use the angle bracket after pip freeze. Youtube doesn't allow angle bracket in description :/ )
  • heroku create attreyaweb (to create an app on heroku)
  • git status git commands - (git push heroku master
  • Open up the website)
  • Admin panel not working. heroku run bash. Migrations