Handy tools for AWS Systems Manager - ssm-session, ecs-session, ssm-ssh and ssm-tunnel
- 0
feature - bash autocomplete
#47 opened by mysiki - 1
ssm-ssh does not work on Windows 10
#17 opened by devbyaccident - 0
feature request - add support for --reason option
#45 opened by robdew - 0
`ec2-ssh` fails against non-EC2 managed instances
#44 opened by strophy - 0
ec2-session stuck after executing command
#43 opened by juancresc - 1
- 1
not working in windows os
#39 opened by vadirajks - 4
Getting timeout on establishing a tunnel
#27 opened by iramello - 1
ssh with proxycommand doesn't work
#20 opened by machielg - 2
- 2
- 1
Feature Request: Ignore CTRL+Z (signal.SIGSTP)
#18 opened by thinkst-todor - 1
Can't login to ECS task
#31 opened by brazaero - 2
- 2
Warning lines for instances not in inventory
#29 opened by rrossouw01 - 1
No Licence File
#25 opened by dgr237 - 0
- 12
- 1
- 3
- 1
Cannot copy files, get 'Timeout exceeded'
#2 opened by jwilf - 1
- 3
tunnel with fewer deps
#3 opened by rdkls - 3
- 1
- 1
- 1
ssm-tunnel does not find comman ip
#6 opened by hoegertn - 0
Docs: Password for ssm-user
#4 opened by holyjak