
Notebook for analysing trajectories from mechanical particle simulator

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0


Particle Tracking

This lab is based on two Jupyter Notebooks:

  • track.ipynb: Notebook for analysing trajectories from mechanical particle simulator using image analysis;
  • montecarlo/montecarlo.ipynb: Notebook for running MC simulations of a model system of the mechanical particle simulator.


  • No prior knowledge in Python is required, but familiarity with programming concepts is helpful.
  • A laptop connected to the internet (eduroam, for example) and running Unix, MacOS, or Windows.

If you have little experience with Python or shell programming, the following two tutorials may be helpful:


Using Docker

We provide a Docker file that will install all required packages into a virtual environment that runs on any machine capable of running Docker Desktop. Build and run with

docker build -t particletracking - < Dockerfile
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 particletracking

Copy-paste the generated url into a web-browser.

Using Anaconda

The following details how to install Python and the required packages. This is optional and you may instead click on the launch binder link above which will launch the Notebook in the cloud. If using this method remember to save your Notebook often, as it will otherwise be lost of you loose internet connection.

On macOS and Linux

  1. Install miniconda3.

  2. Download the lab material (this github repository) and unzip.

  3. Install and activate the particletracking environment described by the file environment.yml by running the following in a terminal:

    conda env create -f environment.yml
    source activate particletracking

On Windows

  1. Install miniconda3.

  2. Download the lab material (this github repository) and unzip.

  3. Open the anaconda prompt from the start menu.

  4. Navigate to the folder where the course material has been unzipped (e.g. using cd to change directory and dir to list files in a folder).

  5. Install and activate the particletracking environment described by the file environment.yml by running the following in the anaconda prompt:

    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate particletracking

Further Information