I am a research scientist that apply and develop most advanced CFD (computational fluid dynamics) technologies for engineering applications.
Stanford UniversitySan Francisco Bay Area
mlwong's Followers
- adityaIyerramesh98Anna University
- afkulaThe University of Alabama
- akshaysubrUnited States
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- askomarSolvd, Inc.
- aslangilThe University of Alabama
- bbw7561135Yunnan University
- ChaogeCanFly
- ComMechx
- EhsanGLBSharif University of Technology
- hbcbh1999Stony Brook University
- hij24
- hijiker
- jingchangshiHangzhou, China
- jonbaltzer
- Kun-Qu
- lijunustc合肥
- liujiamingustcUSTC
- LMNS3dThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- mafiamiBeijing
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- Mopolino8
- moulin1024Max Planck Computing and Data Facility
- neuralcodesearch
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- scramjetFoam
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- Steve-HawkUMN
- thw1021
- windless1015Vancouver
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