
Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status

Okay, I like John Papa's directory structure as a start. I will try to follow that as my src folder setup.

I will have my build go to a dist folder (I will ignore it for now, but I may let that go to the git repo)

Basically, we will set up the following:

  • tasks
    • options
  • src
    • client
      • app
      • content
      • test
    • server
      • data
      • app
        • routes
      • test

We will run everything from this src directory in dev, but then have stuff build to dist:

  • dist
    • public
      • js
      • css
      • fonts
      • html
      • img
    • views
    • routes

It is this structure that I will point to for heroku (and which I will promote to prod when I move off heroku)

That is the plan at least

10/05/2015 @ 00:00

First issue that I have is what exactly do I want to have happen as my default grunt task.

I am pretty sure that I want to have a grunt task, using watch for dev with the app respawning. I will also want a task that has the test suites run continuously (and I will want unit, integration and all).

But what do I want to have happen as default?

I think I want default to do the following:

  • lint
  • run all tests
  • run sass tasks
  • concatenate and uglify all js and css
  • clear out dist folder
  • move all files to dist folder for deployment