
A Node.js wrapper for the Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile WinRT namespace, compatible with Windows 10 APIs.

Using this module, you'll be able to consume the Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile API directly from Node.js.

This module was automatically generated by NodeRT. For more information on NodeRT and examples on how to use NodeRT modules, please visit the project page at: https://github.com/NodeRT/NodeRT.

The generated code has a compile error for method overloads having different return types manually patched in jasongin/noble-uwp. That patch has been added to this version.

The API exposed by this module is (almost) the same as the API that is listed in: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile.aspx

The only difference in the API is in the way that asynchronous methods and events are used. (See https://github.com/NodeRT/NodeRT#ConsumingNodeRT for more details)

This module also contains TypeScript definition files for the API exposed by the module, as well as JavaScript intellisense support for Node.js tools for Visual Studio.


  • Visual Studio version 2017 and above. (Express Desktop versions also work!)
  • Python 2.7 (for node-gyp)
  • Important: Updated versions of npm and node-gyp. (Note that the ones that are bundled with node might not be up to date). In order to install latest npm, run:
npm install -g npm

In order to install latest node-gyp run:

npm install -g node-gyp


In order to install this module, run npm install:

The original NodeRT generated module install below will fail

npm install @nodert-win10-cu/windows.devices.bluetooth.genericattributeprofile

To use this version add the following to package.json

"dependencies": {
		"@nodert-win10-cu/windows.devices.bluetooth.genericattributeprofile": "github:acstacey/nodert-win10-cu-windows.devices.bluetooth.genericattributeprofile",

If you wish to rebuild this module using node-gyp, make sure to use the appropriate VS version using --msvs_version=2012/2013/2015/2017 flag:

For example:

cd [module folder path]
node-gyp rebuild --msvs_version=2017