This project helps to create virtual machine with Juniper Contrail controller on private OpenStack instance within CodiLime.
Notice: a lot of stuff is in just in todo stage.
Current project leader is Michał Kostrzewa, so ask him anything :)
- currently project is strictly tied to the OpenStack instance in CodiLime due hard-coded variables
- private key and access credentials to OpenStack in jenkins job is a security issue.
- certain fields in jenkins jobs should not be modified.
- there is a limit of instances on OpenStack (project constraint)
- have access to OpenStack project named 'contrail-lab', more on wiki
- your credentials to OpenStack.
- OpenStack project must have enough resources to create new instance, for now ask on rocket chat channel
- private+public ssh keys generated for this project only, private key cannot be password protected, and is used by jenkins to provision virtual machine
- optional - access to jenkins instance to run job to create virtual machine on OpenStack, ask for access on chat
- create GitHub issues.
- create pull requests with optional issue reference from GitHub.