Ethergroups - Groups for Etherpad
###Documentation for administrators
Written by Timo Welde
Table of contents
- Overview
- Installation
- Configuration
- Administration
- Customizing
- Security
- Components & Licenses
- Sponsors
Etherpad Lite is a program which allows users to do collaborative writing. For Moodle (a learning managment system) the HU developed a plugin, which is actively used.
After it was established, there was a demand to use this editor without the overload of Moodle, so we developed a program, which provides simple ldap authentication and group managment.
- ldap authentication
- distraction free writing by hiding header and sidebar
- readonly mode
- multilingual
- german
- english
- group managment
- make new group
- open group
- rename it
- add/remove pads
- add members via ldap to groups
- add/remove a group picture
- sign out of group
- if you're the last one, delete this group and all it's pads
- pads
- open
- remove
- make public
- add/remove password
- show password to group members
- members
- have to agree a policy after first login
- get an email, when someone adds them to a group
- can decide after they logged in, if they want to be in a particular group, or not
Why symfony2?
- We used the symfony2 framework in the long-term version 2.3.x because it relies on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, so it is easier for another team to do further development on this software.
- The ORM in Symfony2 called
supports various databases - The Templating Engine
makes it easy to design the website, without php knowledge - The Controller works with services, which can be injected to support various behaviour
- The ORM in Symfony2 called
- It also has a big community, so it is easy to get help.
- The framework is under constantly development. With this LTS version we get security updates until May 2016.
Server architecture
As server architecture, we are using apache2
as webserver for this software, because it's well known, secure and supports symfony2 very good.
To run this software next to etherpad lite on the same server and on the same port (so there are no firewall issues), we decided to use another webserver called nginx
as a reverse proxy. The advantages of this webserver is, that it is lightweight, fast and that it is easy to setup as a reverse proxy. The directory /eplite
goes to etherpad lite and all other are going to the apache server.
Further information: Why nginx + apache?
of Etherpad Lite
You need an etherpad-lite server, which is running on at least the same 2nd-level-domain as your ethergroups server, because we are using cookies to authenticate users. Infos & Download
We recommend to use the etherpad-lite version 1.3.0
It's also recommended to use the latest stable release of nodejs
we are using nodejs 0.8.26, installed via n (a nodejs version managment tool installed via npm) for our productive server. But we test new ep-lite versions always with this node version, before updating productive
Working ep-lite installation
- Ubuntu 12.04
- apt-get nodejs, npm, git, nginx, abiword, make, g++
- etherpad-lite from git (v1.3.0)
- ep-lite settings.json:
- "requireSession":false
- "editOnly":true
- "abiword": "/usr/bin/abiword"
- upstart script
- logrotate
of Ethergroups
apache2-mpm-prefork, mysql, php5, php5-mysql, php5-intl, php5-ldap
Configure apache2:
a2enmod rewrite
In your site config (e.g. sites_available/ethergroups):
DocumentRoot /path/to/ethergroups/web/ <Directory /var/www/ethergroups> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride FileInfo Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory> AllowOverride FileInfo
Configure Nginx (If you want to use this on the same server, where etherpadlite is running) Tell me more
- nginx -> port
- apache2 -> port
(Maybe you have to listen on this port also in apache2 ports.conf) - etherpadlite -> port
- nginx directory
-> proxy_pass to8080
- nginx directory
-> proxy_pass to9001
How to put Etherpad Lite behind a reverse Proxy
How to configure nginx to proxy vhosts to apache - nginx -> port
Checkout this repository with
git clone
. -
Execute the
script from the command line and resolve problems (you should execute it with the apache2 user to avoid permission errors):php app/check.php
Access the
script from a browser:http://sub.domain.tld/config.php
If you get any warnings or recommendations, fix them before moving on.
and modify it, to fit you installationSetting Explanation database_* we use pdo_mysql
. You can have a look here for other databasesmailer_* locale this is the default locale, symfony should use secret this is a secret code, symfony uses to prevent bots from filling out forms. you can generate one here* your ldap config etherpadlite apikey found in the APIKEY.txt
on your etherpad lite servercookie_domain The part of your domain, which the ethergroups and etherpad server ahve in common. E.g.:
cookie_expires how long an etherpad session and the etherpad session cookie should be valid (in seconds) forgotpasswordurl the url the link for "Forgot your password?" should point to admin_* admin login and password for the site under yourdomain.tld/admin loguserdata log user data on/off e.g. IPs and usernames [boolean] readonly readonly mode on/off [boolean] -
Change dir permissions of
to your webservers user:group -
Install vendors with
php composer.phar install
Create database with
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
Clear the cache:
For debug mode:php app/console cache:clear
For productive mode:php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
You maybe have to renew the dir permissions for theapp/cache
folder after this -
If you want to use the productive mode you have to change
in the fileweb/.htaccess
###Why nginx + apache?
If you have one server for ethergroups (with apache) and a seperate with etherpadlite (with nginx e.g.), there is no problem.
BUT when you want them both on one machine and on the same port (to prevent firewall issues e.g. with firewalls which only allow port 80 and 443) you can configure nginx as a reverse proxy for both.
E.g. for the etherpadlite server you redirect /eplite
to port 9001 and everything else to port 8080, where apache (with ethergroups) is listening.
of Etherpad Lite
Settings file: /path/to/eplite/settings.json
It's strongly recommended to use a dedicated database (e.g. PostgreSQL) for a productive environment
We also recommend setting these settings, if you want to use it only with Ethergroups:
"requireSession" : false,
"editOnly" : true,
of Ethergroups
Automatic removal of missing ldap users
For automatic removal of in ldap deleted users, you have to add following command to e.g. Cron:
php /path/to/ethergroups/app/console Ethergroups:ldap
URL Schema
The URL Schema for public pads is: http[s]://[www].[sub].[domain].[tld]/[yourDirectory]/p/[groupID]$[padID]
Editing language strings and mail content
You can edit the language strings directly here:
The mail contents can be edited here:
Change frontpage strings via website
There is an admin site, where you can change the frontpage.
You have to give a login and a password in the parameters.yml
After that you can access the admin page under http://yourdomain.tld/admin
Adding another language
To add another language, you have to add a file with the translations, according to messages.en.yml
with the naming schema: messages.[langCode].yml
and add this language to the dropdown menu in
Updating symfony2 vendors
To update the symfony2 framework (e.g. when this repository updated the composer.lock file), you have to change into the base directory of this application and execute: php composer.phar install
You maybe have to redo step 10 of the ethergroups installation.
Updating this application
To update this application, you have to get the newest version from git e.g. with git pull
and do step 10 of the ethergroups installation
The logfiles from symfony2 are in the folder: app/logs
There is a log file from symfony2 and a log file with statistical informations
To backup this application, make a backup of your databases (both Etherpad Lite and Ethergroups) and save the files in the web/uploads
you can change images in src/Ethergroups/MainBundle/Resources/public/images
you can change colors and layout in src/Ethergroups/MainBundle/Resources/public/css
Connection can be encrypted fully via https.
If the ethergroups session cookie is missing, the etherpad cookie gets deleted.
Security issues
If someone closes the browser, w/o logging out, the session cookie expires not until the last session is expired. This can lead to an issue, if someone knows the direct link to a pad, where its session is still valid. (Which is a very rare situation)
Set the cookie_expires setting not too high
Components & Licenses
Component | Version | License | Usage |
Symfony2 | 2.3 (LTS) | MIT | Main php framework |
Etherpad Lite Client | api-v1.1 | Apache | PHP client for the Etherpad Lite HTTP API |
jQuery & jQuery UI | 1.8.3 (IE8 support) & 1.9.2 | MIT | Main javascript framework |
jQuery Iframe Post Form | 1.1.1 | MIT and GPL | for uploading files via ajax |
jQuery blockUI | 2.57.0 | MIT and GPL | for blocking the UI when necessary | strcmp & strnatcmp | MIT | for sorting new pads alphabetically | |
Modernizr | 3.0.0pre (Custom Build) | MIT | to find out browser features (disabling css3 switch) |
Icons (from Moodle) | GPL | the Icons | |
Ethergroups | GPL | this application |
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